The Government has moved to put the digital economy centre stage in its strategy for economic growth, recovery and job creation.
The launch of ‘Technology Actions to Support the Smart Economy’ this month recognises the national imperative to secure Ireland’s digital future and what actions need to happen to make it a reality.
The strategy brings key components of the digital economy together – infrastructure, innovation and green technology – into one programme.
The wide-ranging plan includes the creation of an Exemplar fibre network and an International Content Services Centre, similar to the IFSC. If successful, the plan has the potential to create 25,000 new jobs, according to the Government.....
Keeping Intune
The construction of an Exemplar network, which will dovetail with the Government’s One Stop Shop and will tie-in with the 94 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) towns, will be spearheaded by a young Irish technology company called Intune Networks. The investment will result in 350 new jobs at the company.
Intune Networks has developed the world’s first programmable fibre optic platform, which is critical to building an Exemplar smart network. The technology effectively uses different colours of light to prioritise web traffic to ensure it arrives at its destination faster. This innovation has already excited the interest of City of London traders who are passionate about fibre, while the Government will present the technology before the EU Parliament and the World Economic Forum.
Tim Fritzley, CEO of Intune Networks, says that the plan is to kick off straightaway by creating a template based on a geographic area known as a ‘captured network’, which will be replicated across the country throughout 2010.
The plan includes making use of the rich tapestry of data centres to support cloud-computing businesses and using wireless spectrum efficiently to make Ireland a test-bed for future wireless services.
It is estimated that more than 5,000 direct jobs and a further 5,000 indirect jobs will be created over a five- to 10-year period from the network investment.
However, the core network is only one aspect. Ireland’s next-generation access network needs to be built and few operators, apart from Magnet and Smart Telecom, provide fibre-to-the-home. A pioneering joint venture between Vodafone and BT will see the companies pool resources to sort out the existing problems with copper exchanges, give homes and businesses 24Mbps speeds and could result in further progress around next-generation access via fibre.
The second part of Ryan and Lenihan’s plan involves creating energy-efficient data centres and cloud computing infrastructure. Ireland has a rich trove of data centres such as Data Electronics and Servecentric in Dublin and the Cork Internet eXchange. Choosing to prioritise the development of these centres across Ireland, the Government says, will result in 10,000 high-value jobs over the next 10 years.
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Thursday, July 30, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Eamon Ryan Smart Economy Annoucement - Silicon Republic Coverage
Other Stories:
Gov’s New Digital Strategy to create over 350 high tech jobs
Digital Economy Report: The Overview
View the Technology Action Report - DCENR
25,000 potential jobs for Ireland through Smart Economy Plan
Digital infrastructure: Ireland’s Next Ardnacrusha Opportunity
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Belfast to get a share of 350 new high tech jobs - Belfast Telegraph
Intune Networks has announced plans to create 350 new high-skilled jobs in Dublin and Belfast over the next three years.
The company was named to lead the Irish government’s programme to build an ‘Exemplar Smart Network’, the first step in creating a next generation communications infrastructure in the Republic.
Intune estimated that the network will allow for the creation of 50 new high tech jobs in the next year and a further 300 additional jobs within the next three years as the network is rolled out.
The company already employs 100 people in Dublin and Belfast of which 90% are high tech research and development jobs.
Its Belfast office employs 34 people and last month announced plans to establish a research and development centre in the city that will create 77 new positions by 2010. The latest announcement will speed up its recruitment plans, a spokeswoman said.
Tim Fritzley, chief executive of Intune Networks said: “The Exemplar Smart Network will open significant opportunities for Ireland as indigenous companies use it as a platform for developing and testing new applications and international companies come to Ireland to base R&D activity here.”
Intune Networks has developed the world’s first programmable fibre optic platform which is critical to building an Exemplar Smart Network.
This new technology allows high quality, on-demand and interactive internet services. It uses up to 75% less energy than current networks which are dominated by electronics.
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25,000 potential jobs for Ireland through smart economy plan - Digital21
Up to 25,000 new jobs could be in the pipeline if a series of projects aimed at transforming Ireland into one of the world’s foremost digital economies come to fruition, the Minister Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Eamon Ryan TD, and Minister of State for Information Society, Minister Conor Lenihan TD, said today.
In what is one of the boldest steps taken by an Irish Government yet towards putting the country at the forefront of the digital age, the Government is to focus on building a smart broadband network called the Exemplar Network that makes use of multiple colours of fibre to dramatically boost the speed of fibre-based communications.
Minister Ryan told that the one-stop shop to pull together all the stranded fibre assets owned by the State that could tie together 90pc of Irish urban centres will be ready to operate in early autumn, and will connect the Exemplar Network to the country’s 94 Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) that encircle key towns.
The resulting network will make Ireland ripe for new job creation by inward investments, as well as enabling entrepreneurs to set up world-class businesses in any parish in Ireland.
Tim Fritzley, CEO of Intune Networks, the company that will build the Exemplar Network, said that the plan is to kick off straightaway by creating a template based on a geographic area known as a ‘captured network’, which will be replicated across the country throughout 2010.
The plan has already attracted the interest of the City of London, with its major financial community.
The Government’s deal with Intune will result in 300 new jobs for R&D workers and telecoms engineers, and work is set to begin immediately.
The networks plan includes making use of the rich tapestry of data centres to support cloud-computing businesses and using wireless spectrum efficiently to make Ireland a test bed for future wireless services.
The plan also includes establishing an Internet Content Services Centre (ICSC) that will enable digital rightsholders for movies, music and video games to go to market with intellectual property rights firmly and clearly established.
“We believe the ICSC could replicate and even excel beyond what we achieved with the IFSC,” said Neil Leyden, one of the contributors to the Government’s report ‘Technology Actions to Support the Smart Economy’, which was published today and outlines the Government’s new digital economy strategy,.
“The ICSC will be truly innovative and will help place Ireland and bring the content generation and distribution industries together,” Minister Ryan said. “This is about our ambition of brining Ireland to the centre stage in attempts to negotiate between piracy and content owners. This plan will leapfrog Ireland’s credentials in a relatively short time.”
The six-point plan includes capitalising on the nation’s investment in science through Science Foundation Ireland, and Minister Lenihan pointed out that Ireland’s output of patents has doubled since 2005. “We now have a situation whereby 40pc of all foreign direct investments (FDI) last year were R&D investments by global firms,” he said.
The Government’s plan also includes a vision for making Ireland a low-carbon and smart economy by creating a roadmap for smart, clean electricity provision and sustainable development around ICT, energy efficiency and clever innovations around making use of green energy such as the IBM Smartbay initiative.
“While there is a correct focus on the amount we need to save and the spending we must curtail, we must also plan for the jobs of the future,” Minister Ryan said. “We need to stimulate the economy as well in order for recovery to occur.
“The Smart Economy document pledges to make Ireland a centre of high-tech jobs that cannot be outsourced; one that uses our natural resources and our expertise to Ireland’s competitive advantage. The series of innovations in Government policy today will make the smart economy a reality.
“We have identified the challenges the world will face in the next decade. These are climate change, a peak in global oil production and the fight for scarce resources including energy and water. Understanding the challenges means there will be great rewards for the country with the solutions.
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Digital Infrastructure Ireland - Irish Independent
This week, the Government unveiled its 'Technology Actions to Support the Smart Economy', which includes a plan to create an Exemplar Network that will dovetail with its plans to create a one-stop-shop to tie all these stranded assets together and connect them to the MANs.
The decision to build an Exemplar Network will result in 350 new jobs being created at Dublin and Belfast-based tech firm Intune Networks.
Intune Networks has developed the world's first programmable fibre optic platform, which is critical to building an Exemplar Smart Network. This new technology will help to bring the internet to the next level, allowing high-quality, on-demand and interactive services.
Developing this technology has the potential to position Ireland for a wave of opportunities based on the future of the internet. Intune Network's technology, which effectively uses different colours of light to prioritise web traffic to ensure it arrives at its destination faster, has already elicited the interest of City of London traders. Meanwhile, the Government will present the technology before the EU Parliament and the World Economic Forum.
For once, Ireland has a chance to be out in front of the world in terms of digital technology, says Tim Fritzley, CEO, Intune Networks. "This is a very bold plan. We are hard at work preparing ourselves to begin with the first stage of the network in the autumn and we expect to have most of the network operational by the end of 2010."
Fritzley says that Intune's technology puts web services into the switching network, enabling what he calls semantic web for switching, or liquid bandwidth.
"Intune Networks has come up with a sophisticated colour coding fibre optic system," explains Communications Minister, Eamon Ryan TD.
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50 new technology jobs announced - RTE NEWS
RTE - One News
RTE - Six One News
RTE - Nine News
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Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources Eamon Ryan has announced plans to create up to 30,000 jobs over the next decade in digital and clean technology.
50 jobs are to be created in the next year followed by another 300 within three years at Irish company Intune Networks, which is building a new communications network to cut down bottlenecks in data transfer.
The Government is also planning to establish an International Content Services Centre in Dublin and a Marine Research, Test & Development Platform in Galway Bay.
RTE - Six One News
RTE - Nine News
Video Source
Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources Eamon Ryan has announced plans to create up to 30,000 jobs over the next decade in digital and clean technology.
50 jobs are to be created in the next year followed by another 300 within three years at Irish company Intune Networks, which is building a new communications network to cut down bottlenecks in data transfer.
The Government is also planning to establish an International Content Services Centre in Dublin and a Marine Research, Test & Development Platform in Galway Bay.
Digital Dreams - Irish Times
The Government hopes to create tens of thousands of hi-tech, 'green' jobs - but some observers are wondering whether we have the capability or the cash to achieve it, writes LAURA SLATTERY
"SORRY IT'S all a bit technical," Eamon Ryan apologises, as he wraps up a Government media briefing on its grand "green tech" plan to create 30,000 jobs via such innovative delights as Optical Burst Packet Switching. "But it's also real," he adds. "And it will work."
The Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources is convinced that Ireland can do a "digital leapfrog" over our economic rivals and make Ireland a "test bed location" for green technologies. It will begin its task by partnering with InTune Networks to build the Exemplar "smart network" that promises dependable, instantaneous connectivity and much more besides.
But can the so-called smart economy really generate the tens of thousands of jobs that the Government hopes will drag us out of our economic hole?
With many household users and businesses still grappling with the frustrations of broadband, there was plenty of "walk before you can run" scepticism emanating from the part of the communications market that is not Eircom, while Fine Gael communications spokesman Simon Coveney lauded the "exciting ideas" but bemoaned the next round of working groups that they would inevitably spawn.
Elsewhere in the industry, however, there were mentions of Government "bravery", while at InTune Technologies, co-founder John Dunne was in no doubt about the significance of the Government's announcement.
"This is how companies like Google are created," he says.
For Dunne, the point about Exemplar is not that end users get faster, better internet connections, but that the network will solve a "global, economic and technical problem" - permanently de-clogging network bottlenecks through patented tuneable lasers.
"If the problem isn't global, you don't get the multiplier effect from exports. If it's just economic, it can be copied by other countries and if it's technical but not economic, it has no value," he explains. Solving problems that are all three of these things is rare.
But InTune had never really planned to use its technology in Ireland in this way. That the Government has put its hands up and decided it wants to be the early adopters for once seems to have surprised the company as much as anyone: Ireland "normally waits for technology to be rolled out somewhere before touching it". If it acts now, Ireland will have a "two to three year lead time" on other countries, he says. A good thing too: "Ireland can't afford to be a follower anymore."
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"SORRY IT'S all a bit technical," Eamon Ryan apologises, as he wraps up a Government media briefing on its grand "green tech" plan to create 30,000 jobs via such innovative delights as Optical Burst Packet Switching. "But it's also real," he adds. "And it will work."
The Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources is convinced that Ireland can do a "digital leapfrog" over our economic rivals and make Ireland a "test bed location" for green technologies. It will begin its task by partnering with InTune Networks to build the Exemplar "smart network" that promises dependable, instantaneous connectivity and much more besides.
But can the so-called smart economy really generate the tens of thousands of jobs that the Government hopes will drag us out of our economic hole?
With many household users and businesses still grappling with the frustrations of broadband, there was plenty of "walk before you can run" scepticism emanating from the part of the communications market that is not Eircom, while Fine Gael communications spokesman Simon Coveney lauded the "exciting ideas" but bemoaned the next round of working groups that they would inevitably spawn.
Elsewhere in the industry, however, there were mentions of Government "bravery", while at InTune Technologies, co-founder John Dunne was in no doubt about the significance of the Government's announcement.
"This is how companies like Google are created," he says.
For Dunne, the point about Exemplar is not that end users get faster, better internet connections, but that the network will solve a "global, economic and technical problem" - permanently de-clogging network bottlenecks through patented tuneable lasers.
"If the problem isn't global, you don't get the multiplier effect from exports. If it's just economic, it can be copied by other countries and if it's technical but not economic, it has no value," he explains. Solving problems that are all three of these things is rare.
But InTune had never really planned to use its technology in Ireland in this way. That the Government has put its hands up and decided it wants to be the early adopters for once seems to have surprised the company as much as anyone: Ireland "normally waits for technology to be rolled out somewhere before touching it". If it acts now, Ireland will have a "two to three year lead time" on other countries, he says. A good thing too: "Ireland can't afford to be a follower anymore."
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Smart economy’ plan to create 30,000 jobs for Ireland - Inside Ireland
The Government has claimed its new ‘smart economy’ strategy has the potential to create 30,000 jobs over the next decade. The strategy hopes to place Ireland at the forefront of the digital and clean technology revolution attracting investments in the digital and green sectors.
Launching the Technology Actions to Support the Smart Economy strategy the Minister for Energy, Communications and Natural Resources, Eamon Ryan, said the six-point plan would secure a competitive advantage for Ireland.
The plan includes the building of a grid (Exemplar Smart Network). InTune Networks who have found a technological solution to worsening Network (IP) traffic will build the grid. The network company is expecting to employ 300 new staff over the next three years.
Minister for Energy, Communications and Natural Resources, Eamon Ryan, with Intune Networks CEO Tim Fritzley, at the launch of the Technology Actions to Support the Smart Economy yesterday.
Minister for Energy, Communications and Natural Resources, Eamon Ryan, with Intune Networks CEO Tim Fritzley, at the launch of the Technology Actions to Support the Smart Economy strategy.
Energy-efficient Data Centres and Cloud Computing are predicted to create 10,000 high value jobs and reduce energy costs placing Ireland on the front line for Green Data Centres.
Another 10,000 jobs are proposed to emerge in the next five to ten years from the government’s plans to create an International Content Services Centre. This centre will bring together individuals with skills in digital creative arts, communications technology and legal professionals in a bid to support the development of the 1,000 digital content companies currently located in Ireland.
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Intune Networks Named By Irish Government As Lead Partner To Develop An Exemplar Network
Intune Networks to create an additional 50 new high tech jobs within 12 months followed by 300 more jobs over the next 3 years
Dublin, Tuesday 21st July 2009 - Intune Networks, the Irish telecoms equipment design company, was today named to lead the Government’s programme to build Ireland’s Exemplar Smart Network. The Exemplar will be the first step in creating a next generation smart and green communications infrastructure for Ireland. The decision to develop the exemplar network using the Intune Networks technological approach was announced by Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Eamon Ryan at the publication of ‘Technology Actions to Support the Smart Economy’ strategy document.
According to Minister Ryan, creating an Exemplar Smart Network based on Intune Network’s world leading technology will give Ireland first mover advantage in the establishment of a Smart Economy, helping Ireland leapfrog its international peers in digital infrastructure. This development will position Ireland as a global innovation leader and will potentially deliver significant economic benefits to the Irish economy. The network will be used to demonstrate and highlight the breadth and depth of Ireland’s vision, technologies, research and corporate capabilities which will help to attract more inward investment, rapidly expand job creation and stimulate the Smart Economy.
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Intune Networks to create an additional 50 new high tech jobs within 12 months followed by 300 more jobs over the next 3 years
Dublin, Tuesday 21st July 2009 - Intune Networks, the Irish telecoms equipment design company, was today named to lead the Government’s programme to build Ireland’s Exemplar Smart Network. The Exemplar will be the first step in creating a next generation smart and green communications infrastructure for Ireland. The decision to develop the exemplar network using the Intune Networks technological approach was announced by Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Eamon Ryan at the publication of ‘Technology Actions to Support the Smart Economy’ strategy document.
According to Minister Ryan, creating an Exemplar Smart Network based on Intune Network’s world leading technology will give Ireland first mover advantage in the establishment of a Smart Economy, helping Ireland leapfrog its international peers in digital infrastructure. This development will position Ireland as a global innovation leader and will potentially deliver significant economic benefits to the Irish economy. The network will be used to demonstrate and highlight the breadth and depth of Ireland’s vision, technologies, research and corporate capabilities which will help to attract more inward investment, rapidly expand job creation and stimulate the Smart Economy.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009
25,000 jobs for Ireland through Govt Digital Strategy
Up to 25,000 new jobs could be in the pipeline if a series of projects aimed at transforming Ireland into one of the world’s foremost digital economies come to fruition, Communications Minister Eamon Ryan TD and information society minister Conor Lenihan TD said today.
In what is one of the boldest steps yet taken by an Irish Government towards putting the country at the forefront of the digital age the Government is to focus on building a smart broadband network called the Exemplar Network that makes use of multiple colours of fibre to dramatically boost the speed of fibre-based communications.
Minister Ryan told that the One Stop Shop to pull together all the stranded fibre assets owned by the State that could tie together 90pc of Irish urban centres will be ready to operate in early Autumn and connect the Exemplar Network to the country’s 94 Metropolitan Area Network that encircle key towns.
The resulting network will make Ireland ripe for new job creation by inward investments as well as enable entrepreneurs to set up world class businesses in any parish in Ireland.
Tim Fritzley, CEO of Intune Networks the company that will build the Exemplar Network, said that the plan is to kickstart straightaway by creating a template based on a geographic area known as a ‘captured network’ and replicate it across the country throughout 2010. The plan has already attracted the interest of the City of London which has a major financial community.
The Government’s deal with Intune will result in 300 new jobs for R&D workers and telecoms engineers and work is set to begin immediately.
The networks plan includes making use of the rich tapestry of data centres to support cloud computing businesses, use wireless spectrum efficiently to make Ireland a testbed for future wireless services.
The plan also includes establishing an Internet Content Services Centre that will enable digital rightsholders for movies, music and video games to go to market with intellectual property rights firmly and clearly established. “We believe the ICSC could replicate and even excel beyond what we achieved with the IFSC,” said Neil Leyden, one of the contributors to the Government’s report ‘Technology Actions to Support the Smart Economy.’
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In what is one of the boldest steps yet taken by an Irish Government towards putting the country at the forefront of the digital age the Government is to focus on building a smart broadband network called the Exemplar Network that makes use of multiple colours of fibre to dramatically boost the speed of fibre-based communications.
Minister Ryan told that the One Stop Shop to pull together all the stranded fibre assets owned by the State that could tie together 90pc of Irish urban centres will be ready to operate in early Autumn and connect the Exemplar Network to the country’s 94 Metropolitan Area Network that encircle key towns.
The resulting network will make Ireland ripe for new job creation by inward investments as well as enable entrepreneurs to set up world class businesses in any parish in Ireland.
Tim Fritzley, CEO of Intune Networks the company that will build the Exemplar Network, said that the plan is to kickstart straightaway by creating a template based on a geographic area known as a ‘captured network’ and replicate it across the country throughout 2010. The plan has already attracted the interest of the City of London which has a major financial community.
The Government’s deal with Intune will result in 300 new jobs for R&D workers and telecoms engineers and work is set to begin immediately.
The networks plan includes making use of the rich tapestry of data centres to support cloud computing businesses, use wireless spectrum efficiently to make Ireland a testbed for future wireless services.
The plan also includes establishing an Internet Content Services Centre that will enable digital rightsholders for movies, music and video games to go to market with intellectual property rights firmly and clearly established. “We believe the ICSC could replicate and even excel beyond what we achieved with the IFSC,” said Neil Leyden, one of the contributors to the Government’s report ‘Technology Actions to Support the Smart Economy.’
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New plan targets 30,000 jobs - Ryan - RTE News
Communications Minister Eamon Ryan has announced plans which target the creation of up to 30,000 jobs over the next decade in digital and clean technology.
The first measure will see 50 jobs created in the next year, followed by another 300 within three years, as Irish company Intune Networks builds a new communications network which will cut down bottlenecks in data transfer.
The Intune jobs will come as a result of a plan to develop what is being called an Examplar Smart Network using Intune's technology.
Trials of the new network are expected to start early next year with the first phase in operation before the end of next year.
Intune has developed a programmable fibre optic platform, using laser technology, which it says uses up to 75% less energy than today's networks. The company says the system was developed to cope with growing amounts of data and video traffic on the internet and allows for greater speeds and higher quality interactive services.
Intune already employs 100 people in Dublin and Belfast.
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Minister unveils 350 'smart' jobs - Irish Times
More than 350 jobs will be created at a telecoms firm, it was revealed today as the Government announced its drive to develop the so-called smart economy.
A next generation communications grid is being designed which experts claim will allow Ireland to leapfrog other nations attracting investment in the digital and green sectors.
Ultimately the Government claims it has the potential to create 30,000 jobs over the next decade.
Eamon Ryan, Communications, Energy and Natural Resources Minister, said the plan would secure investment and employment of the future.
“We are setting a new economic direction for Ireland,” he said.
“In the future, those countries that focus on the development of new energy and communications technologies are those that will have the competitive edge.”
The grid, known as Exemplar Smart Network, will be built by Intune Networks using a new style of fibre optic cables.
The firm believes the infrastructure will create a wave of opportunities based on the future of the Internet which up to now was limited to regions like Silicon Valley in the US and leading Asian countries.
A next generation communications grid is being designed which experts claim will allow Ireland to leapfrog other nations attracting investment in the digital and green sectors.
Ultimately the Government claims it has the potential to create 30,000 jobs over the next decade.
Eamon Ryan, Communications, Energy and Natural Resources Minister, said the plan would secure investment and employment of the future.
“We are setting a new economic direction for Ireland,” he said.
“In the future, those countries that focus on the development of new energy and communications technologies are those that will have the competitive edge.”
The grid, known as Exemplar Smart Network, will be built by Intune Networks using a new style of fibre optic cables.
The firm believes the infrastructure will create a wave of opportunities based on the future of the Internet which up to now was limited to regions like Silicon Valley in the US and leading Asian countries.
Irish company InTune to build exemplar smart network for Ireland - DCERN
Making the smart economy real (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
View the Technology Action Report - DCENR
Government announces new strategy for digital and clean technology in Ireland targeting 30,000 jobs in the next decade
- over 300 jobs announced today in Irish company InTune for exemplar smart network
“We need to stimulate as well as save” – Minister Ryan
Energy and Communications Minister Eamon Ryan TD and Minister of State responsible for the Information Society Conor Lenihan TD today launched “Technology Actions to Support the Smart Economy” in Government Buildings.
This is a strategy aiming to position Ireland at the forefront of the digital and clean technology revolution; creating the investment and jobs of the future. With 6 new and innovative plans for Government action and infrastructure development, the report identifies 30,000 jobs as a baseline target for achievement over the next 5-10 years.
Coupled with investment and continued progress in broadband delivery, this strategy plans to secure competitive advantage for Ireland in the high-tech/clean-tech area by positioning ourselves as early movers. The digital revolution and its convergence with energy efficiency represent a new wave of economic and social activity, which can provide the jobs and investment of the future.
The plan includes the building of a new communications network, the establishment of energy efficient data centres in Ireland, a new International Content Services Centre (ICSC) to be located in Ireland, smart electricity networks, a new application to reduce commuting times and allow for home-working and a plan to establish a marine testing centre in Galway Bay.
The 6 Actions are as follows
1) Building an Exemplar Smart Communications Network
Network (IP) traffic is doubling every 2 years, creating bottlenecks across the network. An Irish company, InTune, has developed an innovative technological solution to the problem – Optical Burst Packet Switching. InTune hold the worldwide patent for this new technology and are already supplying MIT, the European Space Agency, NASA and the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Today, the Ministers announced that InTune will be creating over 300 jobs in the next 3 years as they lead the Government’s plan to build Ireland’s Exemplar Smart Network using their technology.
It is estimated that from this move 5,000 direct jobs and a further 5,000 indirect jobs will be created over a 5-10 year period
2) Energy-efficient Data Centres and Cloud Computing
The Government is planning to position Ireland as a centre for Green Data Centres i.e. reducing the cost of data centres by reducing the amount of energy they use.
Cloud computing is a method of storing data remotely, thereby lowering server and energy costs. EMC’s data centre in Cork supports 1700 jobs. This success with new energy efficiency technology can be replicated across the country.
Choosing to prioritise the development of these centres across Ireland will create 10,000 high value jobs over the next 5-10 years.
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View the Technology Action Report - DCENR
Government announces new strategy for digital and clean technology in Ireland targeting 30,000 jobs in the next decade
- over 300 jobs announced today in Irish company InTune for exemplar smart network
“We need to stimulate as well as save” – Minister Ryan
Energy and Communications Minister Eamon Ryan TD and Minister of State responsible for the Information Society Conor Lenihan TD today launched “Technology Actions to Support the Smart Economy” in Government Buildings.
This is a strategy aiming to position Ireland at the forefront of the digital and clean technology revolution; creating the investment and jobs of the future. With 6 new and innovative plans for Government action and infrastructure development, the report identifies 30,000 jobs as a baseline target for achievement over the next 5-10 years.
Coupled with investment and continued progress in broadband delivery, this strategy plans to secure competitive advantage for Ireland in the high-tech/clean-tech area by positioning ourselves as early movers. The digital revolution and its convergence with energy efficiency represent a new wave of economic and social activity, which can provide the jobs and investment of the future.
The plan includes the building of a new communications network, the establishment of energy efficient data centres in Ireland, a new International Content Services Centre (ICSC) to be located in Ireland, smart electricity networks, a new application to reduce commuting times and allow for home-working and a plan to establish a marine testing centre in Galway Bay.
The 6 Actions are as follows
1) Building an Exemplar Smart Communications Network
Network (IP) traffic is doubling every 2 years, creating bottlenecks across the network. An Irish company, InTune, has developed an innovative technological solution to the problem – Optical Burst Packet Switching. InTune hold the worldwide patent for this new technology and are already supplying MIT, the European Space Agency, NASA and the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Today, the Ministers announced that InTune will be creating over 300 jobs in the next 3 years as they lead the Government’s plan to build Ireland’s Exemplar Smart Network using their technology.
It is estimated that from this move 5,000 direct jobs and a further 5,000 indirect jobs will be created over a 5-10 year period
2) Energy-efficient Data Centres and Cloud Computing
The Government is planning to position Ireland as a centre for Green Data Centres i.e. reducing the cost of data centres by reducing the amount of energy they use.
Cloud computing is a method of storing data remotely, thereby lowering server and energy costs. EMC’s data centre in Cork supports 1700 jobs. This success with new energy efficiency technology can be replicated across the country.
Choosing to prioritise the development of these centres across Ireland will create 10,000 high value jobs over the next 5-10 years.
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