The Photonic Systems Group is part of the Tyndall National Institute, and is affiliated with the Department of Physics at University College Cork. The group was created in 2003 with Science Foundation Ireland support to investigate advanced photonic systems in collaboration with other research groups and industry. The core team, lead by Professor David Cotter, Dr Andrew Ellis, Dr Bob Manning and Professor Paul Townsend, was previously based in industry (at the former Corning Research Centre and British Telecom Research Labs in the UK), with many years of experience in photonic systems R&D.
"Intune Networks currently has 90 researchers developing products for telecommunications. Over 50% of these researchers have masters or PhD qualifications, and we are constantly seeking highly trained and skilled people to join the R&D team. The development of Tyndall National Institute over the past 5 years has resulted in the availability of these people to companies like Intune, and we have hired 5 PhD graduates directly out of their programmes at Tyndall.
These graduates have a deep understanding and knowledge of optical components and optical networks, and have already contributed to the design and development of our new telecoms system called Optical Packet Switch and Transport (OPTS). Some of their work has resulted in new Intellectual Property adding great value to the company in the form of patents and knowhow. We are excited about the possibility of having such high quality graduates regularly available over the coming few years as we intend to grow our team by at least a further 50% in the near future." John Dunne (Co-Founder, Intune Networks).
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