Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) face increasing challenges if they are to maintain pace with surging data demand from owners of Smart Phones and Net Book devices. Traditional 2G/2.5G/3G networks were never designed to support the enormous wave of data generated by video and social network Web services. The transition to LTE, alongside increasingly powerful smart mobile devices, will exacerbate MNOs’ challenges and increase the risk of network brownouts, negatively impacting quality of service and customer satisfaction and increasing churn.
This voice-centric medium, based on complex telephony signalling and control planes, must be replaced with a packet and Web services-centric medium that is cheap to deploy, operate and maintain. Not only must this network cope with demand from new
mobile devices but also new services such as mobile access to cloud computing, software as a service, and location-based applications.
Intune Networks has developed a next-generation networking platform that delivers no less than ‘game changing transformation’. Optimised for mobile backhaul, the platform supports 3G and legacy services while enabling rapid transition to LTE. As both generations share a common backhaul network, Intune’s solution significantly lowers total cost of ownership (TCO), while allowing for the rapid deployment of revenue generating Web services that require high quality, on-demand network access.
The platform is built on Intune’s innovative and world-leading Optical Packet Switch and Transport (OPST) technology. OPST combines distributed layer-2 packet switching with optical burst-mode transport in a single function, on a single platform. The result is lower capex, as less equipment is needed; and lower opex, as operations and control are greatly simplified. Crucially for today’s carriers, the OPST tunable network adapts in real time to bursty and unpredictable traffic. The result is a high level of performance that allows the MNO to guarantee QoS and SLAs with confidence. In addition, the platform is service- and protocol-agnostic, so able to carry multiple service types simultaneously.
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