Intune Networks, the maker of telecoms equipment for high-bandwidth transmission, enjoyed one of the largest increases in its score on the index, rising from 63 last December to 72 this week. That score does not include yesterday’s announcement that a number of telecoms firms are seeking to carry out tests of its Government-backed Exemplar Network.

Intune reached several milestones in the past few months. It is part of an EU consortium, including Telefónica, which is researching the design of a telecoms network for cloud computing.
Irish Times Tech Top 50 Current score and Dec. 2009 scoreNewbay 83 (81)
Globoforce 75 (74)
Openmind Networks 73 (NA)
Intune Networks 72 (63)
CarTrawler 66 (61)
Realex Payments 65 (64)
eRepublik 64 (58)
Equiendo 63 (63)
Ammado 62 (68)
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